KYP LF OnCet Exam Questions PDF [Syllabus]

KYP LF OnCet Exam Questions PDF [Syllabus]
KYP LF OnCet Exam Questions PDF [Syllabus]

Hello Guys !! In this blog post, I will tell you about the KYP LF OnCet Exam Questions and Questions Pattern in a very simple way. If any person wants to work in KYP (Skill Development Mission Bihar) as Learner Facilitator, They have to pass this exam successfully. This is a complete online Exam that is conducted by Bihar Skill Development Mission every two-three months. 

What is KYP OnCet Exam?

KYP OnCet Exam is scheduled for select Trainer (Learner Facilitators) in Skill Development Center (KYP). Without clear KYP OnCet Exam, nobody can work at KYP Center as a Learner Facilitator. So this is the mandatory Exam for candidates who will work in KYP Center as Trainer. 

Who can give KYP OnCet Exam?

To give the OnCet Exam candidates have to submit the required document on the concern Center Solar Portal. This work will be done by the Center Coordinator or Center Honour. The candidate can not directly apply for this Exam. The candidate's document will be submitted to the concern Center, where you will work.

What are the benefits of this Exam?

If the candidate successfully passes KYP OnCet Exam. He will be eligible to work in Skill Development Center. So this is the benefit of this Exam. This is the first step to Joining KYP Center as Learner Facilitator (Trainer).

What is the Exam Pattern of this Exam?

In KYP OnCet Exam there are three papers-

  1. OnCeT Process Paper
  2. OnCeT Proficiency (English) Paper
  3. OnCeT Proficiency (IT) Paper

1- OnCeT Process Paper - In this paper, 50 questions will be related to KYP, KYP Course Module, and Bihar Skill Development Mission. To pass this exam candidate needs to get 25 out of 50 Marks. 

2- OnCeT Proficiency (English) Paper- In this paper, 25 questions will be about English Grammar. To pass this exam candidate needs to get 12.5 out of 25 Marks. 

3- OnCeT Proficiency (IT) Paper- In this paper, 25 questions will be about computers (MS- Word, MS- Excel, and MS- PowerPoint). To pass this exam candidate needs to get 12.5 out of 25 Marks. 

Important Instruction-

1- All the LF applied for OnCeT need to appear for all the 3 papers.

2- LF OnCeT exam will be conducted on a single day.

3- The exam will of 3 Hrs. (1 hr. per Paper).

4- There will be separate Passing for each paper i.e. for Process 25 out of 50, for Proficiency English 12.5 out of 25, and for Proficiency IT 12.5 out of 25.

5- LF needs to pass all the 3 papers to clear the OnCeT Exam.

6- LF needs to appear for the OnCeT exam from his/her own Center.

How can pass this Exam on the first attempt?

To pass this Exam in one Attempt first you need to understand the Exam Pattern of this Exam. Research KYP and KYP courses from different recourses, and improve your English and English Grammer. Also, practice MS- Word 2013, MS- Excel 2013, and MS- PowerPoint 2103 regularly. Because questions are asked from these applications.

So Guys !! I hope this blog is helpful for you. You can share this blog with your friends. 

Best of Luck 
