KYP Final Exam 2023 BS- CLS Questions Answers [PDF]

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KYP Final Online Exam BS- CLS Questions with Answers || BS-CLS Final Exam Questions with Answers
KYP Final Online Exam BS- CLS Questions with Answers || BS-CLS Final Exam Questions with Answers

दोस्तों जैसा की आप जानते हैं, की KYP Course में कुल 120  सेशन होता है।  जिसमे BS-CIT के 60 Sessions, BS-CLS के 40 Sessions तथा BS-CSS के 20 Sessions होते हैं। और जब आप KYP Course के सभी सेशन पूरा कर लेते हैं तो आपको एक Online Exam देना होता है, जो आपके सेण्टर में ही होता है। 

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                  -KYP Final Online Exam BS- CSS Questions with Answers PDF

इस ब्लॉग में आपको KYP Final Online Exam 2023 BS- CLS Questions with Answers प्रदान किया गया है। अगर आप दिए गए Quiz के प्रश्नो का अभ्यास करते हैं, तो आपका इस Exam में पास होने संभावना बढ़ जाती है।  अगर आप इस परीक्षा को एक बार में पास करना चाहते हैं तो आप निचे दिए गए Start Test विकल्प  पर क्लिक करके Quiz शुरू कर सकते हैं।


1- Here take ...... folder and put it on the desk.

a- These 

b- This 

c- Those

2- I ...... like to watch TV. There is good film on.

a- Was 

b- Would 

c- Want

3- Those girls always ..... to loud music.

a- Listens 

b- Listen 

c- Listening

4- My friend Anita ....... Sports.

a- Loved 

b- Loves 

c- Love

5- Tell me ..... you coming to the party?

a- Are 

b- Is 

c- Am

6- The swimming pool... at 7:00 in the Morning.

a- Opens 

b- Open

c- Opening

7- The heritage property is always the ...... hotel to stay in.

a- Most luxurious 

b- More luxurious 

c- Luxurious

8- Which is the correct sentence?

a- He feels terrible if he usually loses his temper. 

b- He usually feels terrible if he loses his temper.

9- Good Students always ...... their homework.

a- Do 

b- Does 

c- Doing

10- They ..... a cat and dog.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Having

11- This scarf is .... Than the one in the window.

a- More beautiful 

b- Most beautiful 

c- Beautiful

12- What ..... she do in her free time.

a- Does 

b- Do 

c- Doing

13- Somebody most ..... taken my cellphone.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Was

14- She ..... not want to stay at home.

a- Does 

b- Do 

c- Doing

15- Where ..... they go yesterday?

a- Does 

b- Did 

c- Do

16- You are ....... Person I have ever seen in my life.

a- The meanest 

b- Meaner 

c- More mean

17- These colors are the ..... I have ever seen.

a- Not amazing 

b- Less amazing 

c- Most amazing

18- Which is the correct sentence?

a- We always watch television in the evening. 

b- We watch television in always the evening.

19- The Taj was.... Than the holiday inn.

a- Expensive 

b- Most Expensive 

c- More Expensive

20- Ramji is a .... Gardener than Santosh.

a- Good 

b- Better 

c- Less Better

21- Look at ...... newspaper here.

a- This 

b- These 

22- Which is the correct sentence?

a- She always complains about her husband. 

b- She complains about her husband always.

23- Which is the correct sentence?

a- I go jogging in always the morning. 

b- I always go jogging in the morning.

24- Which is the correct sentence?

a- I always eat vegetables and fruits. 

b- Eat vegetables and always fruits.

25- ....... Big building over there is the parliament.

a- This 

b- That 

c- These

26- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this becomes an order: don’t ............ football in the yard.

a- Play 

b- Plays 

c- Played

27- Please visit our website for.... Details.

a- Most 

b- Many 

c- More

28- My son ...... a video game for his birthday.

a- Likes 

b- Would like 

c- Like

29- Anita .... Tennis very well.

a- Play 

b- Plays 

c- Played

30- I ..... Lions and Tigers very much.

a- Like 

b- Would like

31- The Olympic games ..... place every four year.

a- Taking 

b- Take 

c- Takes

32- Are ......... your pencils in this box.

a- These 

b- This 

c- That

33- They ... to buy a house but they haven’t got enough money.

a- Would like 

b- Like

34- She has never....... Something like that before.

a- Done 

b- Doing c- Did

35- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become in order: ........up stairs.

a- Going

b- Gone 

c- Go

36- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become in order: don’t ....... In this lake.

a- Swimming 

b- Swim 

c- Swims

37- I ..... to have a car.

a- Would like 

b- Like

38- They ..... a cat and dog.

a- Have 

b- Has 

c- Having

39- Mike ...... children very much.

a- Would like 

b- Likes

40- She ...... playing tennis.

a- Would like 

b- Likes

41- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become an order: don’t ..... late for school.

a- Is 

b- Am 

c- Be

42- I never ........ Coffee.

a- Drinks 

b- Drink 

c- Drinking

43- What .... You do every Sunday?

a- Do 

b- Did 

c- Does

44- You should not ....... Called him a fool.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Having

45- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this becomes an order: don’t .......... Football in the yard.

a- Play 

b- Plays 

c- Played

46- Ann ...... to work for this company.

a- Would like 

b- Likes

47- I .... To eat a pizza tonight.

a- Like 

b- Would like

48- Bad driving ........ many accidents.

a- Causing 

b- Causes 

c- Cause

49- It ..... at 900 in the evening.

a- Closes 

b- Close 

c- Closing

50- Fill the blank with correct option that this become an order: ..... your teeth. 

a- Brushing

b- Brush 

c- Brushed

51- Anita ....... Tennis very well.

a- Play 

b- Played 

c- Plays

52- I .... Hungry.

a- Are 

b- Am 

c- Be

53- You ......... the wrong dress for the interview.

a- Choose 

b- Choosen 

c- Chose

54- My students .............. a little English.

a- Spoken 

b- Speak 

c- Speaks 

55- How much ..... it.

a- Is 

b- Are 

c- Am

56- You ....... Reading non-stop for hours so you must be very tired.

a- Have been

b- Having been 

c- Has been

57- They .... Finished the job.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Having

58- They ..... help you.

a- Was 

b- Will 

c- Want

59- He ........ called me twice this morning.

a- Have 

b- Has 

c- Having 

60- मुझे याद है तब दन भर बहुत बारिश हुई थी।

a- I remember than it rained a lot all day.

b- I remember it was raining heavily all day. 

c- I remember why it was raining heavily all day. 

d- I remember it had not been raining heavily all day.

61- They post so many things there many times a day.

a- वे दिन में अनेको बार बहुत सी कहानियाँ पोस्ट करते है। 

b- वे दिन में कई बार कहानियाँ लिखते है।

KYP Final Online Exam BS- CLS Questions with Answers || BS-CLS Final Exam Questions with Answers

दोस्तों आप इस क्विज में दिए गए सभी प्रश्नो के उत्तर दीजिये, उत्तर देने के बाद Submit पर क्लिक कर दीजिये। Submit करने के बाद आपको View Score वाले विकल्प पर क्लिक कर देना है। उसके बाद आपको वहां पर दिखेगा की आपने कितने सही उत्तर दिए और किन किन प्रश्नो का उत्तर गलत दिए है। आप सही उत्तर को भी जान सकते हैं। आप पुनः टेस्ट शुरू करिये। ये प्रक्रिया आप दो तीन बार दुहराइये इससे आपको सभी प्रश्नो के उत्तर आसानी से याद हो जायेंगे, और आप KYP Final Online Exam  में अच्छे अंकों से पास हो जायेंगे। धन्यवाद !